Own a food truck business or a restaurant that caters events? Want to operate at a DCL game this summer and get your name out there? Plus get some advertising/promotions from the Dairyland League?
Open up shop this summer at one or multiple game locations in southern Wisconsin - Johnson Creek, Lake Mills, Waterloo, Waukesha & Oconomowoc.
Contact or email us at dairylandcollegiateleague@gmail.com with more info about your operations - food, locations operate in, menu items, available dates and anything else you would like to add!
Check our 5 teams website/schedules below.
Johnson Creek Mapaches www.mapachesbaseball.com/2022-schedule
Lakeside Beach Bums(Lake Mills) www.lakesidebeachbums.com/2022-schedule
Wisconsin Cheese Kings(Oconomowoc) www.cheesekingsbaseball.com/2022-schedule
Waukesha Foxes www.gofoxbaseball.com/2022-schedule
Maunesha River Rats(Waterloo) www.ratsbaseball.com/2022-schedule
We look forward to creating relationships with the communities! See you at the ball park with our belly's full!